Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Rik Sarkar was Visiting Researcher at Infine for 3 days. He worked with Aline C. Viana and the internship Maria Astefanoaei on predicting new places to visit in human mobility decision.

Julinda Stefa was Visiting Researcher at Infine for 3 months. She worked with Aline C. Viana and the internship Adriano Di Luzio on the inference of human personality from mobile phones datasets.

Ana Aguiar was Visiting Researcher at Infine for 3 days. She worked with Aline C. Viana and the internship Emanuel Lima on data offloading decision via mobile crowdsensing.


Panagiota Katsikouli did an internship of 5 months at Infine working with Aline C. Viana and Marco Fiore on sampling frequency of human mobility.

Maria Astefanoaei did an internship of 5 months at Infine working with Aline C. Viana and Rik Sarkar on predicting new places to visit in human mobility decision.

Adriano Di Luzio did an internship of 4 months at Infine working with Aline C. Viana and Julinda Stefa on the inference of human personality from mobile phones datasets.

Emanuel Lima did an internship of 3 months at Infine working with Aline C. Viana and Ana Aguiar on on data offloading decision via mobile crowdsensing.

Ayat Zaki Hindi did an internship of 6 months at Infine working with Cedric Adjih, Michel Kieffer and C. Weidmann on synchronization strategy in Information-Centric Networks.

Visits to International Teams

Research Stays Abroad

Emmanuel Baccelli is Visiting Professor at Freie Universitaet (FU) Berlin, within the context of the formal collaboration IOTPUSH with this university on research topics about the Internet of Things, RIOT and Information-Centric Networking.